Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Flag Case Questions?

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Hello All! I check to see which keywords are used to get to my site all the time. There are alot of you out there that get to my site by entering the following:
*How to stain Oak or Poplar wood.
*Wood uneven color.
*Which wood brings out the best stain color?
*How do I get find my angles (for making a flag case)
*Exotic Woods
*What type of wood is best for a flag case?
The list goes on and on. The one thing that I don't see is the Emails asking me additional questions. I know that my site does not cover all your questions, and I am working on that. There are just too many varieables to write about.
Do me this favor. If you have a question that my site does not cover, ask me. I am not saying that I will know all the answers, but what I don't know I can find out. I can then write an article about Questions & Answers, that will help someone else out.
Thank you for your time. Please tell a friend about my work.
Richard (MFDC)

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